Thursday, March 19, 2009

Project GREEN: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Petition

Please sign our petition to congress to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We are here to make sure everyone has a voice so please help us keep the environment GREEN!

Project GREEN: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Petition

Monday, March 2, 2009


Hello fellow GREEN followers please make a note in your schedule that we have the
25th Annual Whale of a Day Celebration
-Date: 3/7/2009
-Time: 10:00:AM
-Location: Point Vicente Interpretive Center, 31501 Palos Verdes Dr. West Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

Whale of a Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the annual migration of the Pacific gray whale!

Please come join and support the Project GREEN Team!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Music Video Lyrics

*Adapted from Queen’s “We Will Rock You.”

Plant a few trees, turn off yo’ lights
Gotta walk or bike to school alright
Recycle yo’ waste throughout the day
Makin yo’ self a better place

We will we will ROCC renew
We will we will ROCC renew

Stop yo’ water when you’re brushin’ yo teeth
You can save yo’ self 3 gallons a day
Shorten your showers and save another three
Fix leaky faucets and save save save!

We will we will ROCC renew
We will we will ROCC renew

Encourage yo’ neighbors and all your friends
Make sure they know they can make a change
So get up and stand, make it a demand
Savin’ the environment and holdin’ yo’ gas

We will we will ROCC renew
We will we will ROCC renew

Searching For Evidence

The "Searching for Evidence" PowerPoint presentation (displayed at the bottom of this page) is about climate change and Madrona Marsh. The slide show was prepared for and presented to South High School in Torrance, California by Tracy Drake and Robert Carr, two naturalists, who work at the marsh.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

E-Cycling at Walsers!!

E-Cycling is the process of recycling electronics such as computers, printers, moniters, etc.

The Project GREEN Team will be there to recycle old electronics from South High School. If you have any recyclables please feel free to join us around 3:30 today!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Habitat Restoration: Madrona Marsh!


On Saturday February 31st, at 8:30 am we will be participating in the beautification of Madrona Marsh on Sepulveda Blvd.
Join us in the fun and beautification of our community!


around 12 noon we will be handing out flyers and world market across from Madrona Marsh. Come join us and learn more about our great planet earth!!

Remember ... keep it GREEN!

-Project GREEN

Start a GREEN revolution!

Hello All!

This is Jessica from the Project Green team!
We have formed a team of elite students from Mrs. Park's level 5 korean class. Together we strive to get our community informed with intentions to save our environment. Together we can make a difference! So please help us to change our world, every little effort counts. Continue to check back frequently for updates, remember to start your own GREEN revolution.


Project Green =]

Contact the Project Green Team!!

Email us at:

Searching For Evidence Power Point